Friday, August 29, 2008

Today's Update

My older daughter stayed home from school today with a stomach bug so I didn't get to really help as much this morning but by lunch she was feeling fine so I went out and joined my hubbie out on the house for the rest of the day...we (Mostly he) got all of the I-joists up on top of the first, that was a big step finished! Now we have a bunch of cross-bracing and rim boards to put up on there before we throw the floor on it, but at least the I-beams are all on it now...the rooms are really getting their shape now...I am so glad we went with the 10 foot looks so nice!

Anyway, it is already dark so I didn't get any pictures, but maybe tomorrow I'll snap a few!

I am proud of myself -I know the difference between an I-joist, rim-boards, and cross-bracing!!!I think my hubbie was proud of me when I hammered about a hundred 16D galvanized nails on his I-joist hangers by hand night before last...I slept good that night!

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