Friday, November 28, 2008

Upper columns are installed

Upstairs columns are installed!!!

Just hubbie and me working today -- got it done before dark!

I also was the officer in charge of sweeping the entire upstairs & downstairs, taking nails out of every board I could find picking up every nail (I bet it was more than 100) and sorting out all of the scraps -- putting the trash ones in the burn pile...

It is looking good out there now!

If it doesn't rain tonight we'll do more blocking in the trusses...if I can stand up there!!!


tcmoniz said...

I love checking in every week or two and seeing all the progress! Amazing!!

Jnet said...

It looks so fast when I look at this blog...I am so very happy I am keeping up with this...just when I get discouraged I look back and see how far we have come -- we just had the wood delivered the end of July and look at us now, putting on the roof!